OrderError | Merchant Facing Reason (what they get in the email) | Error Reason & Potential Issues | Resolution |
| Order validation failure occurred. An invalid cart was submitted.
| Some POS partners offer their order validation service apart from [Stream]. If the POS validation of an order fails, this error will be raised. The POS will provide the error details. | Along with this error, is the POS provided order validation reason why the error has occurred. These details will be available in the “Additional Details” section of the email notification.
If no details are available, please reach out to [Stream] support. (Or POS support)
| Unable to resolve order item references | Items can be organized under one or more categories, and modifiers can exist for more than one modifier group. Some POS systems are very strict when it comes to the hierarchy of references of a particular modifier group or item. If a change is made on the POS, and the catalog becomes out of sync with the [Stream] catalog while an order comes in, this error may occur. |
ITEM NOT IN STREAM | An item ordered is missing.
| The item ordered does not exist on [Steam]. Somehow an item exists on the third party platform and was ordered. This may occur if another integration system may have published a menu to the third party, or if the menu on [Stream] was never published. |
ITEM NOT IN POS | Item on the order not found on the POS. | The item does exist on [Stream], but missing on the POS. Potentially, an edit was made on the POS to remove an item, but the edit was not synced with [Stream] and the 3rd party apps.
PRICE MISMATCH | The price of an ordered item is less than the POS price
| [Stream] runs order validation upon receiving an order. It checks the item prices and the cart totals. If the price of an item comes through less than that of the POS price, this error will occur. Note, an item in an order may be more than or equal to the POS price, but may NOT be less. This error may have occurred when the POS price was adjusted, but the price information did not reach [Stream]. |
OUT OF STOCK | The ordered item is out of stock on the POS.
| If an item has stock tracked by the POS, and it has reached 0. | If the item is to be tracked by the POS for stock, then the item stock needs to be refilled or the item should be set to unavailable.
Otherwise, stock tracking should be disabled for the item on the POS (if applicable).
QUANTITY UNAVAILABLE | The ordered item has low availability on the POS.
| If an item has stock tracked by the POS, and the ordered item quantity is greater than the remaining stock that is currently stored on the POS, this error will occur. | If the item is to be tracked by the POS for stock, then the item stock needs to be refilled or the item should be set to unavailable.
Otherwise, stock tracking should be disabled for the item on the POS (if applicable).
PAYMENT DECLINED | Customer payment method was declined.
| The customer used an expired card or a fraudulent card. | No action. The customer must provide another form of payment. |
| Customer data provided is not suitable for order processing
| In some case, the customer provided incomplete data for the order. The customer may have provided an in valid phone number or email in regards to an order. Most common for delivery orders. | No action. Customer is required to fix the submitted data for the order. |
| Unknown order failure
| Unknown | Contact [Stream] support if this is a consistent issue. |
| Delivery creation through delivery service failed.
| Few potential causes.
| The determination of which particular issue may have caused this will be present in the “Additional Details” section of the alert.
FAILED CREATE ORDER | There was an issue with the POS not accepting the order.
| Few potential causes.
| The determination of which particular issue may have caused this will be present in the “Additional Details” section of the alert.
| Failed to cancel the order on the POS. | This is an error stemming from the POS.
| Contact POS support. |
| Restaurant is closed.
| The time of the order conflicts with the merchant's scheduled hours. This may also occur if the store is temporarily paused. |
| N/a- not used yet by stream.
Eventually, this will be the resulting error of order throttling / a restaurant is too busy..
| There is no driver available to delivery the order. | No action. |
| N/a - not used yet by stream. |
| The delivery is out of the predetermined range. | No action. Determine if you want to extend the range of delivery. |
REQUIREMENTS NOT MET | The minimum order requirements have not been met | A minimum cart value must be attained before an order may be confirmed. | No action. |
DSP ORDER EXPIRED | Order has expired | [Stream] will confirm an order when it can. If it cannot, this may be due to a 3rd party system that is temporarily down and unresponsive. | If this issue persists for a particular 3rd party, contact 3rd party support. If it occurs for various 3rd parties, contact [Stream] support. |
MERCHANT CANCELED | Merchant has canceled the order | The order was canceled either via [Stream] or the POS. | If considered a mistake, look into adding roles in [Stream] to remove certain privileges from other users. |
This will show any error you may come across, the reason for it and how to resolve it

Written by Marc Marras
Updated over 6 months ago